

/ Staff writer, with CNADeputy Minister of Justice Tsai Pi-chung (蔡碧仲) yesterday said that the Ministry of Justice agrees that the statute of limitations should be scrapped for murder charges.Tsai said that there is no statute of limitations in other advanced nations, such as Germany.Speaking on the sidelines of a meeting of the legislatures Judiciary and Organic Laws and Statutes Committee, Tsai was responding to a proposal by lawmakers to scrap the statute of limitations for major crimes.Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Wang Ting-yu (王定宇) and others in December last year proposed a revision to the Criminal Code governing statutes of limitations.Wang said the statute of limitations should not apply to offenses foe which the maximum sentence is the death penalty, life imprisonment or prison terms longer than 10 years in the case of murder or major economic crimes.However, Tsai also said that a clearer definition of the term “major economic crimes” would have to be drafted as the Investigation Bureau currently lists a wide range of offenses under the term.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES


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